Banking & payment expert

Mohamed Gamal Eldin

veteran Banker, FinTech expert and mentor. Powered by 25 years of hands-on experience in Banking and Payment industries.


What I do


Helping startups to choose

if they will integrate with acquiring bank or payment service provider (PSP).
Helping startups to choose which payment service provider (PSP) to integrate with based on price and payment features.

Get It Right from The Beginning

Raise awareness for banking & payment

 among startups & Fintechs, helping FinTech companies to set their risk controls parameters to secure the payment and to prevent fraud attacks.

Consider multiple payment provider to sustain the business.

Helping FinTech companies

to set their risk controls parameters to secure the payment and to prevent fraud attacks.
Helping FinTech companies to set their price scheme based on solid understanding for card schemes (MC-VISA-MEEZA) interchanges and another major cost elements.
Helping FinTech companies to set their workflow and business procedures to enhance customer success rate and to comply with CBE rules.

Coordimaintain the relationship between your multiple payment providers

Preparing FinTech companies

to obtain payment facilitator/aggregation/ banking agent licenses from CBE by working together to fulfill CBE requirements.

Payments should be fully authenticated

Helping FinTech to shape

 their products and create business traction.


Providing PCI-DSS advisory

to FinTech companies to fulfill CBE requirements.

Why Choose Me

Visionary Payment expert

Nonetheoretical sales strategy

Banking & Fintech expert

PCI-DSS advisor

fullfiling the Need & resolving the pain

cutomers centric


What My Clients Say?

Mr.Mohamed Gamal has given Soovi exactly what we need. We found him very committed and he has surely saved us time and money .
Mohamed Rushdy
CEO & Founder Soovi

Mr. Mohamed Gamal did a great job and was so helpful and assisting in achieving the objectives which was given to him.

Prof. Mohamed Abdel Moteb
CEO-Founder of XPAY
Fawaterak for online payment would highly recommend Mr. Mohamed Gamal Eldin asa professional banking & Fintech consultant backed with practical banking experience
Waleed El Roby
CEO of Fawaterak online payment

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